When Me and My brain were busy in writing about all the existing and upcoming things/people/situations that would add zest to my life, my Heart jumped in.
Mind: What are you doing here?
Heart: How can you be so heartless?
Mind: Ah! How I wish I could
Heart: You have been busy in thinking of all the things, which would make you feel full of zest and happiness...all good, but I have a shortcut to zest.
Mind: And that would be?
Heart: Joy of giving...
Now I know why people often tell me that I have a good heart. This Mind vs Heart discussion helped me notice what I was missing. Yes, there are certain wonderful Joy of giving moments, which add up zest to my life.
Joy of Giving ∝ Zest in Life
Here are few things, activities I do for slum people and poor people whenever I get time. However, now that I know it not only gives me happiness but adds up zest to my life, I prefer to take out extra time and spend with them in meaningful manner. What I can really give them is My Time.
1# Slum Sundays: Entertainment
I often visit nearby slum area, where housemaids live with their husbands, who are laborers and kids, who go to municipality schools sometimes. Meeting with them is always a wonderful experience. The kids are so full of life, well mannered and active in learning new things. They often talk to me about their education, their hobbies and each one of them likes dancing. Talking to them makes me happy and keeps me happy all day.

Now I plan to go out with my iPod and speakers may be to arrange dance sessions on weekend. I am sure they will jam like crazy.
2# Educating slum children for hygiene
However, those kids are not at all dirty. They take bath on regular basis and also try to keep their clothes and surroundings clean. But, what they miss is cutting their nails, washing their hair properly and wearing bathroom slippers while walking around. I donated them my bathroom slippers and gave them my nail cutter too. But, now I think educating them about daily hygiene would be more important than just giving them some hand outs. I think I just found a way to everlasting zest.

3# Spreading awareness about breast cancer amongst uneducated women
Even educated women these days don't pay attention towards issues like breast cancer. So it is a matter of taboo for uneducated slum ladies. But now that I feel the urgency of spreading this education amongst them, I have started to lay down plans. Being an independent filmmaker, I can always use my skills to teach them, break the bars of unreasonable social beliefs. I am sure they will learn it and stay healthy.
What could add more zest to my life than the idea of preventing women from this life threatening ailment.
4# Writing about them
As I plan to visit them on regular basis, it would be a great idea to blog about them. It would also keep me updated about my progress towards this cause.
If I am successful in writing the blog about them on regular basis, I am sure this will double up zest in my life. After all, blogging is the way to zest and blogging for social cause would double up the fun.
5# Trying to explore their hobbies and talent
The slum kids are really talented, but busy in playing ludo and playing cards all the time. I wish they could share their talents and hobbies with me and others, so that they can find a way to discover their inner talent. However, this doesn't seem an easy task but I am sure if I am successful in doing the above, more people will come together to join hands... This will multiply the feeling of happiness, contentment and zest.
PS: You can read two of the previous posts here:
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