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Words of Curtsy

The photographs that have added meaning to my notes,are courtesy to various photographers, who shared their work openly on the web.Being the authoress of the blog, I have tried to avoid infringement of any copyright of the photographs that i've applied , but, if by any chance it has happened then i hope that the copyright holder will accept my apology.
Regards :)

Meet the Princess

August 2, 2014

…And it rained that night

His green eyes glared at the roaring sky as it turned blacker moment by moment. A poignant sigh waited inside his throat until the next roar came up and he looked at the broken roof of the single room he owned and called it home. 

His wife and 3 months old daughter were enjoying a deep sleep, unaware of the horrific weather staring at them out of the broken roof.

Sitting outside the door, he ignited another bidi (thin leaf wrapped cigarette), which obviously didn't help to reduce his worry about protection of his family against heavy rain.

The factory manager had promised that he would release his salary tomorrow. Then he could get the roof repaired. His all prayers were asking that night to pass dry... 

...and it rained that night!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. Touching & nicely described, Priyu.
    Hope they were fine and he got the roof repaired...

  2. Nicely told! A real story of many people who live under thatched roofs :(

  3. In our country being poor is worst than anything else,

    My WOW post : Auspicious Rain

    I am now following your blog

    1. Thanks a bunch for liking this post. Thanks for following my blog...

  4. Oh .... amazing gal ..... superb writing ...

  5. I can only say one word after reading this "Ah".

  6. Sensitive take and I can only sit and admire. RESPECT.


  7. Beautiful ... such a brilliant writer you are :-)


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