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Words of Curtsy

The photographs that have added meaning to my notes,are courtesy to various photographers, who shared their work openly on the web.Being the authoress of the blog, I have tried to avoid infringement of any copyright of the photographs that i've applied , but, if by any chance it has happened then i hope that the copyright holder will accept my apology.
Regards :)

Meet the Princess

May 18, 2011

I will keep quiet until u would care to listen

Whatever I am going to write here may seem as quarrel or you may think that I am in bad mood because you have hurt me; yeah at some extent you are right, but baby you are missing the most important thing which you should’ve noticed first of all. How can you snub the fact that you doll is quite.

Yes I am not speaking, the silence has taken it all over, do you remember the way I hugged you and said silence kills me, the emptiness inside the heart would take me away from you.

I begged you to never let this void take over my soul, you promised.

I was sure you meant that promise, But fate wasn’t convinced with my happiness. You overlooked my deeds of sharing my words with you.
You didn’t care to listen. I tried, didn’t work, tried again, you neglected. I fell silent.
You are now asking me the reason for doing this. You want me to speak, me too wish to come out of this hell of soreness, but you are not giving your hand to pull me out of this, you are standing there, looking at me and waiting for me to speak and I am waiting for the day when you would really care to listen, like I do.

Trust me baby! I will keep quiet until u would care to listen.

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